2024年5月5日 星期日

VEX V5 2023-2024 Over Under 世界賽:所見所聞、比賽心得

經過一整個賽季,九個多月的努力,終於來到最後一場比賽,並且也是規模最大,容納 800 多支隊伍的世界級比賽。這篇文章當中,主要會圍繞在介紹整趟旅程中的經歷與體會,以及和之前所參與過的世界賽有什麼不同的感受。

V5 世界賽(4/25-4/27)

在經歷過這次的 V5 世界賽之後,我體驗到很多和之前不一樣的事物,不管是在比賽當下時間上的分配有所不同,還是整體比賽的忙碌程度,完全和出發之前對於世界賽的想像截然不同。


第一個最令我震撼的點,就是在賽是當中時間的分配。從自己相簿照片的數量比較就可以發現,這次去參加 V5 的世界賽,相較於之前 FLL 和 VEX IQ,少了幾乎三分之二的照片,尤其這次和其他攤位拍的照片只有個位數。

最大的差異就在於零碎時間少了許多,在場次與場次之間必須進行機器和程式的調整。由於唯一能夠測試機器的地方,是在世界賽的公用練習場,而這個練習場距離我們的攤位大概要步行 7 分鐘才能抵達。在比賽密集的後兩天當中,基本上沒有時間能夠去參觀其他人的攤位,全部的行程都是在拖著機器前往不同的地點。只有在第一天早上的行程當中,因為只有練習和驗機,有些時間去和其他隊伍交流,並參觀大家的攤位。





令我最印象深刻的是 4/24 晚上的面試練習,那時候我們隊伍(66994W)和另外一支教室的隊伍(66994P)在用英文訓練,結果八個人當中有大約六個人都是已經睡著的狀態,並以半夢半醒的狀態在回答。我們有一位隊友 Alex 說自己是副遙控手,P 隊的 Albert 第一次公開了他的英文名字,甚至還說自己是 11 years old,雖然原本應該是想要說 11th grade(高中二年級)。

我的習慣是在所有事情都結束之後,一次關機,所以我只要還有重要的事情要做,就會努力撐下去。最好的例子就是雖然想睡覺,但是肚子餓,所以會堅持到把泡麵吃完才會睡覺!我們隊上的 Frank 就是把泡麵泡下去結果睡著,最後是在泡麵泡了 30 分鐘之後才醒來開始吃。


在比賽的這幾天,除了第一天機場的飯店有提供早餐,後面住的 Omni Dallas 飯店的早餐都是要自己處理。我們在第二天要從休士頓前往達拉斯的路上有停一家超市,購買後面幾天要吃的食物。由於美國的食物都是主打量多,麥片只有看到家庭號的,不過對我們三個人住五天來說應該是差不多剛好。比較可惜的就是每天就只能吃一樣的,沒辦法換一些花樣,就算是這樣,麥片加牛奶真的是不敗的組合,到最後一天都還是很好吃。

這幾天的中餐和晚餐都是由旅行社處裡,其中有幾餐是真的很好吃,像是達美樂的奶油筆管麵、In & Out 的漢堡、麥當勞的漢堡、會場的 Pizza 和叉燒炒飯加上芝麻球等等。其實要在美國吃到符合自己胃口的食物不簡單,畢竟整個煮飯的文化和烹調的技巧都有所不同,但懂得體驗不同的文化和其與自己國家的文化融合的方式也是不錯的學習。

比賽的競爭強度 / 難易度

相較於 VEX IQ,V5 的競賽真的多了一層的強度,每一分每一秒都至關重要。有時候只是一時的策略判斷錯誤,少放了兩顆球,可能就錯失了很大的得分機會,導致比分拉大;有時候只是稍微慢對方一點點,兩顆球可能就被搶走,真的是每個時刻都在和時間賽跑。

整體來說不管是比賽場次的強度,還是整整三天的強度都非常高。加上這次因為來不及準備技能挑戰賽,總共只有去跑三次,如果這次的比賽還要包括 skills 的測試和實際去跑所花的走路時間,真的是無法想像的忙碌。


這次我們很用心的布置了攤位,可以說整排攤位看過去,最會讓人想要停下來看的一定!一定!是我們 66994W 的。最大的亮點就在於我們幾乎沒有留任何原本攤位的黑色布,背後的黑色布幕我們用一張隊員介紹的海報蓋住,桌子上則是舖上我們粉紅色的隊旗,在攤位旁邊還擺著一張 88x212cm 的易拉展,內容是關於機器結構的介紹和程式策略和感應器的選擇。每一個來我們攤位參觀的都非常喜歡易拉展,是吸引別人目光的第一名。










在整個賽季當中,教會我最多東西的肯定是第一名教師 LULU 老師!謝謝老師耐心地教導,從賽季初那個什麼都不會,連 c channel 應該要怎麼連接都不曉得,連底盤、投手、Intake 和飛輪都不知道怎麼做的我開始教,到現在只要提到某種結構就能稍微有個畫面在腦中,真的成長蠻多的。從 VEX IQ 學上來,真的會需要經過一個斷層,尤其很多結構的做法都不一樣。我還記得自己賽季初最大的不解是在於「為什麼橫桿變成一個 C?這樣要怎麼接?」,因為 IQ 都是用插銷連接,很難聯想到螺絲配墊片的做法,一開始真的一竅不通。

再次感謝 LULU 老師整個賽季的指導,我想如果不是 LULU 老師用心的指導,要從 IQ 跳上來 V5 真的會成為很大的障礙。不管是程式的陀螺儀 function 還是結構如何做得堅固,都是整個賽季的教導堆疊起來並融會貫通而成的。我覺得能夠有這種學習的機會非常難得,從賽季初對一切都超級迷茫的我,能夠成長到有一定實力的選手,真的很幸運能夠有這樣的機會。


我也想要謝謝我的隊友們,願意陪我奮鬥一整個賽季。從一開始大家都還不熟,彼此沒有什麼聊天和交集,隨著每次練習一起去吃飯,在組機器時一起聊天打屁,錄一些迷因影片,慢慢地也是混熟了XD。身為 66994W 的一員,我很珍惜每一次比賽的過程和練習時的討論,這些經歷都會成為很好的回憶。

謝謝我的結構和投球好夥伴們 Frank 和彤彤,很多時候都是你們陪我練到很晚,不管是在做機器或是練習 matchload 上都是。還記得有一次我連續三天練遙控練到 1:30,就是 Frank 在陪我放球,謝謝你承受我這麼高強度的練習。也謝謝你經常待在教室過夜,就為了把機器的一個部分修好,每次早上去看,都可以看到你徹夜未眠修機器的成果,辛苦你了!

謝謝彤彤平日有空的時候會來陪我做機器和聊天,也會提供很多影片企劃,讓我們大家一起發瘋。不得不說,謝謝你把隊伍的帳號管理的那麼好,真的是 Social Media 第一名,最喜歡的肯定就是 reels 的跳舞影片們XD。


也要謝謝所有在這個賽季當中幫助過我和我們團隊的人類們。不管是在賽事準備過程當中,和我們一起比模擬賽的隊伍們,或一起打 1 對 1 的教室隊伍和選手們,或是在我努力摸索結構的路上給予幫助的選手們,都很謝謝你們的幫忙。



我認為在整個比賽過程中,最有趣的就是看到每個隊伍和裁判都熱情的歡迎每一個人,尤其這次我三天都戴著粉紅色捲捲假髮和一些奇怪的配飾,卻意外地吸引了超多人的喜愛。光是我們隊伍上去比第二場比賽,有一位裁判就直接說「這是我最喜歡的隊伍!有粉紅色頭髮的!」。也是我們才第二次去 skills 場地排隊,就有志工和裁判說「我知道你們來過!」「剛好我也帶粉紅色帽子,要不要跟我拍張照!」,粉紅色頭髮戴上去就成為超明顯的指標了。



▲總決賽 dome 現場

這次在 dome 看最終的決賽時,也有特別的感受。這是第一次體會到自己的實力和站在舞台正中央的隊伍的差異,遙控的順暢程度真的是非常絲滑,彷彿不用瞄準,就像是完全預判球的行徑一樣,到哪裡都可以吸到球。希望未來自己也有一天能夠達到那樣的境界。

這個賽季已經告一個段落,也比了不少比賽,在台灣的各場比賽以第一年的隊伍來說,已經比我一開始的預期好非常多,也很意外第一年比賽就能夠順利晉級世界賽,是一個很難忘的經驗。明年的規劃目前還在考慮當中,但不管最終的選擇是什麼,我一定會照樣付出 100% 的努力,不讓自己留任何遺憾,我們明年見!

2024年3月10日 星期日

2024-2025 個人創作展:畫展介紹

就在今年 2023 年的 3 月 5 號,專屬於我的個人創作展開展了!這次展覽的主軸是「成長」,我希望來觀看我的展覽的人,可以看見我在繪畫之路上的成長與成就。展出的作品當中包含不同的美彩,油畫、水彩、色鉛筆和素描都包含在其中。仔細觀察便可以看到,不管是在構圖或塗色方面,在近期作品中有許多的進展和更進階的表現。

我從小學六年級開始學習繪畫的課程,經過五年多的努力以及累積,這次展出了一共 15 幅創作作品。一開始學習繪畫的契機是日本動畫中,展現出的繽紛的畫面、構圖以及人物在畫面中互動的動作,吸引我並讓我踏上創作的道路。







2024年2月13日 星期二

2023-2024 VIQC Taiwan Open Elementary Group: Scorekeeper referee

I attended the VIQC Taiwan Open Elementary Group Competition as a scorekeeper referee. Unlike field reset, the scorekeeper referee has the job of counting the score of each match and confirming the score with the team members.

We have two scorekeeper referees and one head referee watching one field at a time. There are four fields in total, and two will run simultaneously. There are a total of four scorekeeper referees and two head referees on the tournament field.

There were a total of 30 practice matches, 240 qualification matches, and 30 final matches. The whole competition is split into two days. During the first day, teams get to run skills challenges in the morning. While practice matches and 100 qualification matches will be played in the afternoon.

The second day is a little more busy since there are a total of 170 matches that will be played. We barely have time to rest, and we spend most of the time standing and walking between fields. Despite the uneasy job of a scorekeeper referee, I still enjoy the experience a lot. 

I got to communicate and talk with the teams while confirming the score. I was also able to chat with other scorekeeper referees. I helped with robot inspection and scorekeeping, these were really a great experience and super fun to enjoy.

2024年2月12日 星期一

2023-2024 VTO VRC Middle School: Competition Volunteer 16 hours

I participated in volunteering for 16 hours at the VRC VTO middle school competition. I was a participant in the competition that was 1 day before this one, the high school group national championship. I decided to stay two more days in Hsinchu to participate in volunteering.

I was assigned the job as a field reset in the main tournament field. I found it interesting since I could watch the tournament from a very close angle, a view that only staff and referees can enjoy. Two other volunteers helped with resetting the field. Our job was to place the triballs in the correct position and count if any ball is missing.

Even though I got to enjoy the view of competitions, I still felt tired after working 8 hours a day. It was a very memorable experience. I got to talk and meet a lot of people and witness some amazing scores teams had accomplished.

2024年2月1日 星期四

VRC Taiwan Open High School: Tournament Champion, Think Award

Taiwan Open, the national competition that has world qualifying awards, is the one I will be introducing. This is the second to the last competition we will attend in Taiwan this season, and is especially important since there is three spots to qualify for worlds.

The excellence award, and two teams on the tournament champion alliance. These are what we are aiming for in this competition. Also, if one team got two of the world qualifying awards, the eligibility will be passed down to the skills ranking. That is why skills challenges are also very important.

We continued to improve the robot we used for the previous competition, PAS signature event. After analyzing and organizing our time after PAS, we think that we don't have enough time to reconstruct a robot and also fully practice using it.

The competition is separated into two days. First day morning is all about skills challenge and driver's meeting. While the qualification matches starts in the afternoon. On the second day, the qualification matches will end around noon, and the final matches will start. Most likely after day 1, teams will be able to know if we have a chance to get qualified for worlds.

In our first day of competition, we did good and won all qualification matches while obtaining the AWP points, placing us at rank 1 in qualification. We got a score of 168 in driver skills and 124 in autonomous at the end of the day. The judges also interviewed us for the judging process.

At that rate, what we have to do is to continue scoring high in qualification and get a higher score in autonomous skills. There is also a possibility that the judges will come again to interview us for the second time.

I spent some time at night improving our programming skills route and strategy. I also added some fool proof program to prevent the robot from getting stuck.

We ended up ranking 2nd in qualifications and 4th in skills. We weren't able to score high in autonomous mainly because me and another teammate didn't perform well in skills match loading. However, our driver skills score broke our own record with 184 points. The judges also came to ask some questions regarding our robot.

In finals, we selected 66994A as our alliance partner, and we got tournament champion. This means we are qualified for worlds!!!! I am surprised yet delighted that we are able to go to world championship in our first year of competition, and I will try to do my best to prepare for worlds.

2024年1月31日 星期三

JLPT N1 日本語能力測驗:合格心得分享

經過四年的學習,我終於在 2023 年 12 月的 JLPT 試驗中成功通過 N1,最高級的日本語能力試驗。回想起來,在這次合格的背後也有很多挫折和學習,一開始考 N3 和 N2 皆順利通過,但在 N1 試驗上就遇到了一些困難。連續考了三次的 N1 才成功拿下合格證書。

第一次挑戰 N1 時,成績並不是很理想,比合格標準低了 16 分,也就是 84 / 180。第一次挑戰過後,發現 N1 並不是一個單純靠練習會話和日常用語就能夠通過的考試,於是報名家教班,專心讀 N1 的文法和單字。當時因為學習到很多新的文法和單字,認為自己比上次準備的更完善,就去報考了第二次的測驗。

第二次的試驗當中,意外的沒有拿到理想的成績,比合格標準低了 12 分,在 180 分當中只拿下 88 分。和預想的結果落差非常大,這也對我造成了一些信心上的打擊,尤其在考試前其實對自己很有把握。研究和分析準備考試的方法是否有誤之後,有了新的體悟。


在準備這次第三次的 N1 考試中,我不急著學習新的單字,反而是去寫模擬試題做練習。我學習到與其忙於學習不知道會不會出現在考試上的單字,不如多寫模擬試題去抓到出題規律和解題策略。

在這次的 N1 考試中,我能夠明顯感受到在做閱讀測驗和聽力測驗時,可以清楚的抓到題目重點並有自信的回答。相較於前兩次考試,在考完試的時候,是比較輕鬆而且信心很高的。

原本以為應該能夠低空飛過 100 分的及格標準,沒想到不只達到及格標準,還意外的高分。這次的分數是 136 / 180,尤其這次在讀解的部分更是拿到 60 分的滿分。在看到成績的簡訊通知時,既震驚又愉悅,很開心自己能在第三次考試成功證明自己的日文實力。

這次的合格並不是我學習日文的終點,我還是會繼續使用和練習日文,讓我對日文的熱情能夠繼續下去。這四年來的日文學習歷程真的是難忘的經驗,很高興終於能夠通過 JLPT 最高指標。

2023年12月28日 星期四

VRC 2023 PAS-VEX Signature Event: Think Award

For this blog, I will be sharing about the competition I and my team attended, the PAS VEX Signature Event. This competition is the first one our team participated in that has world qualifying awards. The teams that got the excellence award or the tournament champion get a ticket to VEX Worlds.

Continuing from our last competition in AST, we decided to construct a new robot that could solve the problems of the old one. However, we were in a rush, since there were only 3 weeks before this competition, and we only had a chassis constructed.

The part we modified the most was the shooter mechanism, we changed from a catapult system to a flywheel system. Mainly because we want to be able to shoot out triballs from the back of our robot. We made the middle of the robot hallow, for the triballs to pass through.

In the current robot, we utilized a special feature of the triball design. Triballs are designed to be a reuleaux triangle, which, when the triangle passes through two parallel surfaces, will act and spin like a circle. With this idea in mind, we made the tunnel's top, bottom, and sides all into flat surfaces, so the triball can spin freely while flying out.

The robot's completeness and practice proficiency were both not very perfect. I personally think the completeness of the preparation for this competition is not really enough. However, we didn't have much time for improvements either.

The PAS signature event is split into three days of competition. The first day mainly focuses on practice matches and skills attempts, which is relatively an easier day. The second day starts with the real qualification matches and rankings, with a tight schedule. The third day has some qualification matches in the morning, and final matches in the afternoon.

We aimed for skills during the first day, because this is the time when we have the most free time to do so. The main problem we met was not being able to reach a stable score in our skills because our match loading was not good enough. At the end of the day, we reached rank 5 skills, with 163 in driver, and 79 in autonomous.

During the second day, our main objective was to rank as high as possible in qualification rankings. We reached rank 32 out of 57 teams which wasn't an ideal score for us. The main problem was that the driver wasn't completely familiar with the new robot, so we got stuck sometimes and didn't take full advantage of the robot.

Excellence award, the top award that can get you into the world championship, requires your team to rank in 30% of the qualification ranking. In this competition, we have to rank higher than 17 so we can at least be the excellence award candidate. This is why the last few qualification matches on day 3 are very important to us.

We won the first qualification match but lost the rest on day 3. Our alliance team had an overheated chassis during the match and couldn't move. I think we will also have to check our alliance partner's robot state during pre-match communications.

Our qualification ranking was 23 at last, excluding us from the excellence award. The only hope left is to get the tournament champion during the finals.

We paired up with 66994P as our alliance since we were a great match in the AST league. We ended up losing in the semi-finals because both of our teams weren't able to do the elevation mission successfully.

At the end of the three-day journey, we are awarded the Think Award. Ranked 3rd in skills, with 163 in driver skills and 140 in autonomous skills. Ranked 23 in qualification matches, and stopped at semi-finals.

I think this is quite an interesting journey. One thing I have learned throughout the whole preparation process and the competition is that not every time the effort put into the competition will give you the expected outcome. Even though I spent the whole 3 weeks preparing for the competition, trying to evaluate the best state before the competition, sometimes the preparation and time might still not be enough for us.

The competition journey is very valuable. Until the next competition, I will do my best to improve our robot design and tournament strategies. Hopefully, we can get the ticket for the world championship in our next competition. See you next time :)