2019年6月10日 星期一

Jigglypuff's story / Episode 5: Hot Pot!

"We are going to a hot pot restaurant today!" said Jigglypuff. "I am so excited about it," "I am excited, too," said Jin.

(Suddenly, it starts to rain.)

"The rain is still small, so let's go!" said Jin. "Okay, I think you are right, but I will still take an umbrella with me," said Jigglypuff.

"Oh, the rain has become heavier and heavier," said Jigglypuff. "Let's walk faster," said Jin. "We need to get to the restaurant quickly,"

"Ah, my socks and my shoes are all wet," said Jin. "I give up walking carefully," said Jigglypuff. "I don't care if my socks get wet or not, because they are already wet now,"

"There are puddles everywhere on the ground," said Jin. "The puddles made my socks wet," "I think I will give up walking carefully, too," said Jin.

(At the hot pot restaurant)

"Let's go to find a seat," said Jigglypuff. "Oh, here is a seat," "Wow, we can take everything we want, but we need to pay the money for everything first," said Jin.

"I guess we need to order a hot soup first," said Jin. "I would like the original soup, please," "I would like the original soup, too," said Jigglypuff.

"I will watch your bags for you, you can go and get your food first," said Jin. "Okay, thank you, I will take some vegetables and pork," said Jigglypuff.

"Here are your soups," said the waiter. "Wow, thank you," said Jin. "Jin, it's your turn to get the food." said Jigglypuff.

(After Jin gets her food)

"I chose the cabbage and the pork, too," said Jin. "I also got some tofu," "Let's cook, when we finished this plate, let's get some desert," said Jigglypuff.

(When they finished the plate.)

"I got a bowl of noodles," said Jin. "I will try them and see if it is good or not," "If it is good, I want to try it, too," said Jigglypuff.

"Wow, it is very delicious," said Jin. "There are a lot of people lining up at the noodle cooking shop, so I suggest you to cook by yourself," "Okay," said Jigglypuff.

(After enjoying the meal.)

"Let's go back, the rain is getting smaller and smaller," said Jin. "I am full, too," said Jigglypuff. "Let's go back!"

-The End-

I wish you like my story, if you like to eat hot pot, you can go to a hot pot restaurant, too, it would be a great idea.