2018年9月15日 星期六

I played a lot today

Today I want to tell everyone that I played a lot today, but I still read a book, and I made something with Lego, too, so I didn't play all day.

Uncharted 4

This game is about that you need to escape from a place, or find something, or even climb something, and I think this game is very fun, and I am at the level 4 now, and sometimes the level is very hard.

I saw Dad played this game before, and I kind of remember a little bit, so I still know how to control the panel.

I think this game is the best game that I played today, because it is very cool, and the game made me feel excited, and afraid.

Dynasty Warriors

This game is in Japanese, and it is the history from China, but I don't know if the history is true, the hero that I like the most is called Zao Zao(曹操), because he won at last, and in the game the hero can use ice.

I think this game is not better than Uncharted 4, because it is not very excited, and it didn't make me feel scared, so that is why I think Uncharted 4 is better than this Dynasty Warriors.

Jigglypuff's Running Machine

This machine can let Jigglypuff run on it, but Jigglypuff needs to run on the wheels, because there is nothing that is better than a wheel to run on in Lego, so I built this thing.

I wanted to make a car before, but I don't have any wheel left, so I decided to make a running machine, and it is for Jigglypuff.

I think this machine is very good, because it can let Jigglypuff be thinner, but the fatter Jigglypuff is cuter, so I didn't let Jigglypuff run the machine very often.

A Small Charm

This charm is for Jigglypuff, because I found a special thing, and I wanted to make a car before, but I think making a charm is better.

I think this charm is very good, because it fits Jigglypuff's ear, so I like this product very much.