
2018年7月31日 星期二

I am the tour guide today

Today I want to tell everyone about that I am the tour guide today, and I went to 6 places, and I think today is all very fun.

When we woke up, we went to eat Wasabi, because the restaurant is my favorite restaurant in America, and in this restaurant, there are lots of Japanese food, and I like to eat Japanese food very much.

Then we went to M&M's chocolate world, and we buy some chocolate, and you can choose what color do you want or what thing do you want to eat inside a chocolate, and we bought a bag of chocolate, and a bag of peanut chocolates.

I want to tell everyone to eat the very small chocolate, because in Taiwan, I like to eat that one, and the very small one just have some colors, and the bigger one have a lot of different colors, so I think the very small ones are better.

Then we went to the New York Public Library, and I read a book called Young Scrooge, and I didn't finish all of the pages, I just read to page 44, and I think that book is good, but I can't read that fast to finish that book.

After we went to the New York Public Library, we went to the Grand Central Terminal and the Chrysler building, Finally, we are going to eat dinner, we ate Bread & Butter for dinner, and we are all very happy.

I think today is a very good day, because I ate the two restaurants that I like, and I went to the New York Public Library, and I finished my tour, and I took my family to a lot of places, so I think I did it very well.

2018年7月30日 星期一

My brother is the tour guide

Today I want to tell everyone about that I went to the MOMATH museum, and I really love it, and my brother is today's tour guide.

When we woke up, we went to a restaurant called Shake Shack, and I order a Shack Burger, and the meat is beef, and I love it, I ate it all, and we drank a large Lemonade, they made the Lemonade by themselves.

In the park, there are lots of pigeons, and I really don't like pigeons, because I think they are strange, ugly and uncomfortable, and I don't want to be attacked by pigeons, so I really don't like the park except Shake Shack.

Then we went to the MOMATH museum, and I like the museum, I like the basketball machine the most, because it can change something that can let the machine throw in the goal, and this is fun.

When we finished visiting the museum, you can throw your ticket in a box, if you throw in the smaller box in the bigger box, you can get a present, and we practiced a lot, and I almost got in, but I didn't.

Then we went to Chipotle and ate our dinner, we just bought two salads, because when we finished eating, we will go to Bread & Butter to buy noodles back to our hotel and eat our supper.

I think today is a good day, because we went to the MOMATH museum, but I didn't throw in and I am very sad, because it just need 0.01 cm more, and it can go in the smaller box, so I am sad.

2018年7月29日 星期日

I love The Beast

Today I want to tell everyone about that I went to Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum, and we went on a boat called The Beast, and we had fun.

When we woke up, we went to a place that you can buy tickets, and we use City Pass to exchange our tickets, and we got on a boat called The Beast, and I think this will be fun, and I am very excited.

Then we went on the boat, I am very excited, then the boat started to drive, and my heart beat very fast, but then my heart didn't beat that fast, because the water didn't splash on us very much.

All of a sudden, the guide start to use water gun to shoot us, and we all got shot, and I am very happy, and I want to be wet again, but he didn't splash us again, so the next time I want to sit at the back, let me tell you why.

There is someone sitting on the back seat, and their clothes and everything were wet, because when we were spinning, the water will cover them, and they were all wet, so if I have the next time to go here, I will sit on the back.

Then we went to the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum, and I am happy, because there is air conditioner inside, so it is not hot, and there are something you can play with, so I am happy.

I think today is a good day, because I sat on The Beast, and I think this is fun, and I am splashed by water, and I think the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum is fun, too, because I saw a lot of cool airplanes.

2018年7月28日 星期六

I saw a huge dinosaur!

Today I want to tell everyone about that I went to the Natural History Museum, and I saw a lot of characters that were in the movie 'Night at the Museum'.

When we woke up, it was 11 o'clock, and we first went to a restaurant called Chipotle, and we ate the restaurant for brunch, so when I am at the museum, I am very hungry, so we ate the chocolate for dessert.

Then we went to the Natural History Museum, and we saw a lot of characters in a movie called Night at the Museum, and I think Night at the Museum is a good movie, but I almost forgot what the movie is talking about.

We walked from the first floor to the fourth floor, and I think the second floor is the best, because I saw Jigglypuff's ancestor. Jigglypuff's ancestor is a puffer fish, and I am a little bit angry about that.

Then I started to get really hungry, and I want to eat dinner, so we went out of the museum, and my Dad said that there may be a flood later, because his phone has a notification, and I am very scared.

After we went out of the museum, and we went to eat a restaurant called Shake Shack, and I think it is very good to eat, and I think the chicken hamburger is very good, and it is better than the beef hamburger.

I think today is a good day, because we went to eat a restaurant called Shake Shack, and I think the restaurant is the best part of today, so I think the Natural History Museum is not very good, the Science Museum in Boston is the best museum I have ever seen.

2018年7月27日 星期五

I am on the Top of the Rock!

Today I want to tell everyone about that I went to an art museum called MoMA, and I went to Top of the Rock, I think both are really cool.

When we woke up, we went to MoMA, and I think it is really cool, the building has 6 floor, and I think the 5 floor has the most interesting paintings, it is all about the evolution of paintings, I think it is really confused.

I think Picasso's paintings are very cool, because first he drew very real, but after he drew something that everyone doesn't know what he is drawing, that is the evolution of paintings, I can't remember all of it.

There are some paintings that everyone knew how to draw, but the painters know why they drew the painting, and they can explain why they drew like that, but we can't explain it, so if we drew that, no one wants to buy.

My Dad said that there is a painter called Duchamp, he just took a toilet, and sign on his name, and the toilet became a famous art, because he was the first person who thought that he could do this, and he is smart.

Then we went to the Top of the Rock, everyone said this building has the best sight, so we went to this building, but I think every building's sights are similar, and there are lots of people, so I think this building is not bad not good.

I think today is a good day, because we went to the art museum, and I think the best part of today is MoMA, because I think the photographs and the paintings are all very cool, but I don't really know what are they drawing.

2018年7月26日 星期四

Empire State Building

Today I want to tell everyone about that I went to the Empire State Building, and I think the Empire State Building is very cool.

When we woke up, we went to the Empire State Building, and we went to the top of this building, and we saw the perfect sight, and we listen to the guide, this building is built in 11 months, and I think this is very cool.

Then we went upstairs to the 86 floor, and it is a place that you can go outside and see the sky, there are lots of binoculars that you can use that to see farther, and I like to use that, when we were on the 86 floor, the wind is very strong, too.

We can't go to the 102 floor, because Citypass doesn't include it, it needs ticket to go in, and one ticket is 24 US dollars, since we will go many observatories in NYC, so we didn't go to the 102 floor, when it is after 10 o'clock, we can go again, but if it rains we won't go again.

Then we went to the LEGO shop, there are lots of LEGO that Taiwan didn't have, so I bought a Statue of Liberty, but it didn't have eyes and its neck is very long, my Mom bought a big robot, and it is very strong.

Then we went to eat our dinner, I ate a lot of rice, meat and fruit, when I finished all, I am very full, and I can't even walk, then I rest for a while, and we walked to our hotel, then I keep resting until I am not really full.

I think today is a good day, because I bought the Lego Statue of Liberty, and I am excited to go back to Taiwan, because I can make the Statue of Liberty, and I will start to use my 911 water bottle that I bought yesterday.

2018年7月25日 星期三

The 911 museum

Today I want to tell everyone about that I went to the 911 museum, and it is about America got hit by three airplanes.

When we woke up, we went to One World Trade Center, and we are going to go on the top of One World Trade Center, but a person said that if we go on the top of this building this time, we can't even saw anything, so we change the time.

Then we went to the 911 museum, and we visited the museum, and we downloaded an App called 911 museum audio guide, and we changed the language to Mandarin, and it needed to download the language, I downloaded Japanese, too.

This museum is talking about 911, and there are four planes hitting America, and one failed, but three of the planes succeed, and there is about 3000 people died in 911, and there are 19 people that is the bad guy.

Then we went to see the top of the One World Trade Center, and it is very cool, we also rent an iPad that will tell you some famous places that you can see at the top, and you can move the iPad to turn the screen.

After we went to the Centry 21, and we bought a backpack, and a wallet, I want Japanese bowl, but they didn't have, I have seen that before in Japan, and I really want it, but my Mom didn't let me buy, because she said I have lots bowls.

I think today is a good day, because today we went to the 911 museum, I think the most excited part is at the place that they show us what is their plan, first they wanted to crush the tower at 9:11, but they didn't make it.

2018年7月24日 星期二

The wind is very very strong

Today I want to tell you about that I went to the Statue of Liberty and the Ellis island, and I am very happy, because the wind was very strong.

When we woke up, we went to the Wall Street first, and we found a bull, everyone said that the bull is the Wall Street bull, but that bull isn't on Wall Street, it is on the Broadway avenue, then I will tell you why the bull is not on Wall Street.

First, an artist who wanted to be famous, so he made a bull statue, and he put the statue in the middle of Wall Street, and some people thought the bull was very cool, but the committee of Wall Street didn't like it, and he didn't get the permission, so the people in Wall Street told him to move the bull away.

Then another artist thought that bull is bad, because the bull is a male, and it looks like boys are better, so she made a little girl standing in front of the bull, and the girl looks brave, and the artist that made the cow was angry, but he can't do anything.

Then we are going to go to the Statue of Liberty, and we took the boat to the island, and when we are on the boat, we were very happy, because the wind is very strong, and my hair just fly and fly, and it is very fun.

When we went on the statue, the wind was very strong, when we are outside, my hair just fly and spin like a fan, and it was funny, we sleep at the third floor of the statue, and we also pick up the leaves and throw it in the sky, and it just fly on the top of the statue!

I think today is a very good day, and I think the greatest part in today is pick up the leaves and throw it in the sky, because we have fun with the strong wind, and we will see whose leaf is the highest, and I had fun with that.

2018年7月23日 星期一

The wonderful day at Central Park

Today I want to tell everyone about that I went to Central Park today, and I have fun there, today we went to the Central Park's small zoo.

When we woke up, we went to Central Park by bus, and I think going there on a bus is better, because if you go there by bus, there will always have some seat left, but sometimes, we must wait for along time, too, I still think the bus is better.

When we are at Central Park, we went to buy the tickets first, and we bought the 4D theater and the zoo visit, we went to the place that can feed animals, but we didn't feed the animal because I think it is dangerous.

Then we went to watch the video, it splashed real water and snow, and I think that is really cool and funny, and we went to the main zoo, it is small, but I think the animals inside are very cute, and some animals are very cool.

After we went to Central Park, we went to the Roosevelt Island, and I think that is very very small, and we went on the bus and go to the train station, then we went the Trump Tower, we walk to some places, and I think Trump Tower is not fun at all.

Then we went to eat our dinner, we ate Chipotle for dinner, and we order 2 salads first, and we all eat happily, but we thought that isn't enough, so we ordered 1 more salad, and we finished all of the salads, and I am very full, and it is very yummy.

I think today is very fun, because we went to Central Park, and I think those animals are very cute, I like the restaurant that we ate for dinner, too, the name of the restaurant is called Chipotle, and I like the salad in Chipotle very much.

2018年7月22日 星期日

The Met visit: I love Egypt art

Today I want to tell everyone about that I went to The Met, and there are a lot of people, and I think the Egypt art is the best.

When we wake up, it is 11 o'clock, and we went to eat brunch, then we went to buy the tickets for the subway, but things don't go well, we went to 3 different stations and all have no counter.

Finally, we found that the 7-day card can be bought from the machine. We don't have to find a counter. When we finished buying the ticket, it is 1 o'clock, that means we almost used 1 hour to buy tickets.

Then we went to The Met by subway, and we are all happy that we are at The Met, then we are going to go inside the building, and I am excited, because I think it will be very cool, and I want to go to the Egypt art first.

Then we went to the Egypt art, and I think this is very cool, but because of the Museum is too big, so when we walked to the Egypt art, our leg is all tired, and we find a place to sit, and I think the Egypt art is cool.

Then we went to other arts, too, and I think it is not very fun, then we keep walking, and we finally went out the museum, and I am very happy, because I think this museum is not very good, and I think this museum is too big.

I think today is not a good day, because the museum is not good as the Science Museum that we went in Boston, and I think the Science Museum is better than The Met, because there are more things to play in the Science Museum.

Bus arrived late and stopped at wrong place

Today I want to tell everyone about that I went to New York, and we went to see The Lion King show, and I think the show is good.

When we woke up, we went to the bus station, our bus is called Mega Bus, and our seat is four seats, and has a table, but it is very small. When we are on the bus, we are very happy, but when we are on the road, we can't sleep well, because the road isn't very flat.

I think this trip has some problems, one is the time isn't right, it says we will arrive at 2 o'clock, but it arrives at 5 o'clock, and we all think it is not so good, the second is the place it stopped, it says it will stop at 27 street, but it stopped at 34 street.

The problems cause other problems, too, like we can't easily walk to our hotel just because the place were wrong, we don't have time to sleep in the hotel, because we arrived too late, so we are tired after we saw The Lion King.

Then we went to watch The Lion King, and I know what they are acting, because I saw The Lion King movie before, my Mom wants me to know what is the show acting, because the show is very expensive.

When we finished watching the show, we all are very tired, because the show is 2 hour, when we finish watching the show, it is 11 o'clock, and we didn't sleep for a long time, so when we are at the hotel, we all went to sleep.

I think today is not a good day, because the Mega Bus is not good at all, because it let our sleeping time be short, and we are very tired, when we came back to sleep, we are all very very tired, and I am angry about this.

2018年7月20日 星期五

I went to the Science Museum

Today I want to tell everyone about that I went to the Science Museum, and I played a lot of games, I watched the electric show, too.

I went to the Science Museum by green line, we went to the Science Museum station, and we bought the tickets, there are two ways to go, one is blue, one is green, we went to the green one first, because we saw an Earth in the entrance.

There is a machine, when you press the button, it will give you a code, and you can use the code to let other machines scan your code, then you can play some games, I played all of the machines, except the two broken machines.

Then we went to the blue one there are some things about light, and I think that part is pretty cool, and we went to the part that is about heat, we watched a video about if something that isn't food that is in the microwave, what will happen.

We went to see the electricity show, and I think the show is good, but if you didn't cover your ears, you will think the sound is very loud, I think this show is cool, because if you are in a cage, you won't get hit by the lightning.

We went to join an activity, and that is about to make a satellite, and you must let your satellite be in the right place, the wind will blow your satellite, so you must make a satellite that can flew inside, after all, I succeed!

I think today is a good day, because we played a lot, and I really have fun here, and I think this Museum is very big, it is bigger than Taiwan's Science Museum. Today is the last day in Boston, and tomorrow we are going to New York.

2018年7月19日 星期四

The Harvard visit

Today I want to tell everyone about that I went to Harvard University today, and I think MIT is better than Harvard, let me tell you why.

In Harvard you won't have a chance to choose what dorm you want to live in, but in MIT, you can choose the dorm that you want to live in, and I want to live in the dorm that you can cook your dinner, because I am interested in cooking.

I want to study in MIT, because I think MIT is cool, and when you are new students in a dorm, you must made a roller coaster with other new students in the dorm, I want to make it, but I want to cook more, so I think I won't go and make it.

When we went to MIT, I saw the swimming pool, and I think it will be fun if I went to MIT and swim, but I want to learn badminton, too, because I think it will be very cool, because I want to go to MIT, so I must learn more English.

In Harvard, there is a gate named Johnston that you can only walk through two times, one is the first time when you walk in Harvard and study here, the second time is when you finished the four years of the university.

We went to the Chinatown, too, because we want to find some food to eat, but there is no restaurant that we want to eat, so we just bought a pearl milk tea to drink, and I think Taiwan's pearl milk tea is better than this one.

I think today is a good day, because today I have a very good visit at Harvard, and I think the tour guide is very good, because I almost know 40% of what he said, and I gave him 5 US dollars, thanks for his tour.

Watch the blue man show.

Today I want to tell everyone about that I went to watch the blue man show today, and I went to sit on the duck tour, too.

I went to sit on the duck tour, too, and I think duck tour is not very good, because the water didn't splash on me a lot, so I didn't like it. In Singapore, the duck tour is good, because water splash on me a lot, and I like it.

When I am on the duck tour, I listened to the Mandarin speaking with the earphone, and I think it is boring, so I turn it into Japanese, but I listened with my Mom in one earphone, and my Mom wants to listen to Mandarin, so I turned into Mandarin.

When we finished sitting on the duck tour, we went to the Microsoft shop, and I played the Surface 2 in the Microsoft shop, and I think using the Surface pen to draw on the computer is very cool, and I really wants one, but I didn't have one.

Then we went to our hotel, because we wanted to rest for a while, then we will go to watch the blue man show, because we don't want to sleep in the expensive blue man show, if we sleep, our money will fly away.

In the blue man show, I think the most interesting part is when they were creating their passwords, because someone pressed a lot of numbers to make a song, but he pressed a lot of numbers, I don't know will he remember all of his numbers?

I think today is a very good day, because today I went to see the blue man show, and I think the show is the best show that I've ever seen, I think the blue man show can be very very famous, because they are very good!

2018年7月17日 星期二

My MIT visit

Today I want to tell everyone about that I went to MIT today, and I think the Dunkin's Donut in MIT was awesome.

First, we went to the green building in MIT, and we listened to a student in MIT talking about how was the school and what did they do. I think it is very interesting about the dorm they live in, because I think the pictures are cool.

Then we followed the tour guide and walked around the school, and I knew 30% of what she was talking, and I think I must practice my English more. She said that there are 10 dorms that the students can live in, and I am interested in the cooking place.

The tour guide talked about the hack, too, and I think the hack part is the best part in the tour, she said in a morning, when everyone woke up, they saw a police car on the dome, and there is a police holding a coffee and a donut, I think it is funny.

We walked through lots of places, MIT is the biggest school that I have ever seen, and I think when the students in MIT are walking to somewhere, they would walk for a long time. I want to know what will they bring to school.

Then we went to eat our dinner, and I ate the fried rice, and I think the rice is very good to eat, and I think the meat is not so good, and I think the fruit that I bought is awesome, too, because the fruit is very sweet.

I think today is very fun, and I think today's best thing is to eat the dinner, because this dinner is the healthiest meal that I have ever eaten, and this meal is not very expensive, so I liked it very much, and my family all loved it.

2018年7月16日 星期一

Freedom Trail walking

Today I want to tell everyone about that I walked on the Freedom Trail, and there is a trail that is red, and you can follow this trail, and go to visit some places.

We went to the Old South Meeting House, and I found a worksheet, I did that worksheet, and my answers are all correct. I saw lots of chairs there, and I am very glad to sit on the chair, because I was very tired, and my feet are hurt.

Then we went to eat lunch with my Dad's friend, and I think that restaurant is good, children have children menus, and in the back of children menu, there are games to play, and there will have some questions you can answer, too.

When we finished the lunch, we went to a merry-go-round, and there are lots of animals, and I sat on an owl, my brother sat on a turtle. When it starts, my brother thinks it is very scared, so he started to count the numbers, and when it finished, his hand was cold.

Then we went to an ice cream shop, I bought a chocolate ice cream, and I think the ice cream is not so good, and I just ate the ice cream, I didn't eat the cookie, I think I won't come to this shop again, because it is not so good.

After all, we went to eat our dinner, and I think the noodles in the restaurant are too hard to bite, so I don't really like it, and I don't like the salad, too, because some lettuce are not very sweet, so I don't like it very much.

I think today is a very good day, because we went to the merry-go-round, and I have lots of fun, because I saw my brother counting numbers, and I think the owl is cute, and the owl is not very high, so I like it.

Plymouth: the origin of United States

Today I want to tell everyone about that I went to Plymouth today, and we visited some famous places, I think they are all very fun.

When it is morning, we went to eat our breakfast first, then we went to rent a car, and we got a cool car, then Dad drove the car out of the parking lot. 

First we are going to Plymouth, and we saw some people living in the house and we talked to them, they told us how do they live and what do they do, I saw a man sitting in a house, and he has lots of animal skin and fur.

We saw the mini Mayflower boat, too, and I think the Mayflower boat is small, but a small boat has a very good history, so I think the Mayflower boat is amazing, and the people who was on the boat are all amazing, too.

We went to see a stone, every Mayflower pilgrims that came to Plymouth walked over this stone, so the stone is very famous. My Mom said this stone was smaller than before, because the water and the wind makes this stone smaller.

There are lots of drivers that played loud music, and when they are listening, they will open the window, so if someone went by, they will hear that noisy loud music. When we are walking we saw someone just keep driving her car and listen to the loud music.

I think today is a good day, because we went to Plymouth, and we saw lots of famous things, the special thing is today we don't need to walk a lot, and we can sleep when Dad is driving, so Dad is very tired, too.

2018年7月15日 星期日

The second day in America

Today I want to tell everyone about that it is the second day in America, and I am very happy, we ate a lot of burgers!

When we woke up, we went to the Aquarium, and we went on a boat that can see whales, but the trip is three hours to four hours, I saw lots of whales, and whales are very cool, sometimes, they try to pick up the garbage in the ocean, but sometimes fail.

Then we went to the New England Aquarium, and there are lots of fish and turtles, there are squids, too. When Mom saw an octopus, she want to eat, and I think that is scared, so I told Mom it is the time to go.

Then we went to the Boston Children Museum, and I play a lot, but some is not really fun, and I like the science playground the most, because there are lots of balls, and I can put it on a road and it will roll down.

I like the part that we need to use our power, too, like you need to ride a bike and you need lots of power, then you can let the light shine, and there is a thing that you need to pull a rope to let the ball fly very high.

After all, we went to a restaurant called Tasty Burger, and I order a kids meal, and I like french fries the most, because when French fries have some ketchup on it, it is awesome, I like this restaurant very much.

I think today is a good day, because we went to the aquarium, and I like to see the big ocean tank, and there are 700 animals, and 100 type of animals, there is a fish that looks like a skeleton, and it is yellow, so today is a good day.

2018年7月13日 星期五

Today we went to America

Today I want to tell everyone about that I went to America, and we fly to Tokyo first and then transfer to America.

When we are flying to Tokyo, we ate one meal, and I finished it all, then I wanted to go the bathroom, so I walked to the bathroom, when I am flushing the toilet, the sound was very loud, and the sound scared me.

Then we are going to transfer to America, and I am very excited, because my Mom says that the seat will be much bigger. When I went into the airplane, I saw the seat was bigger, and the TV is bigger then before, too.

After we sat down, the children meal came, and the meal is curry, and I ate it all, too, because I think it was very delicious. Then I fell asleep, and when I woke up, I think I just slept for an hour, but I slept for 7 hours. I don't know I will be that tired, and 7 hours is like you sleep a night!

When I woke up, I saw there is a meal on my table, and the meal seems like breakfast, but I feel that I am full, so I didn't eat any of it. My Dad and Mom's breakfast is hamburger, and I think their breakfast is better.

When we are at America, we are going to our hotel, and we get confused by the train, and there is a man that knew how to speak Mandarin, and he knew where do we need to go, so we asked him, and we found the way to our hotel.

I think today is very tired, because we get confused by the train, and we walked and walked, we climbed the stairs with luggage, and we are very tired, so when I finish this blog post, I will go to bed and sleep, good night everyone.

2018年7月11日 星期三

Tomorrow I will go to America

Today I want to tell everyone about that I will go to America tomorrow, and I am very excited, too.

I want to know will I eat lots of fast food, or America will have rice? I am not really sure, and I wish I can go to America happily and come back happily, but I am very sure that my brother will be angry in America, because he can be angry anywhere.

I am very excited to be on the airplane, because we will fly to Tokyo, then fly to America, when we come back, we will just fly to Taiwan, so we will sit on different airplanes when we are going to America and come back to Taiwan.

When we are flying to Tokyo, we will eat one meal, and when we are flying to America, we will eat four meals, when we are flying back to Taiwan, we will eat four meals, too, so we will be very full, and I think my Dad will eat all of the meal.

I think four meals are too much, because one day is 24 hours, and when we fly to America, it is only 12 hours, we eat four meals, and one day we just eat three meals, so I think 12 hours eat four meals are too much.

I will play the games that is on the plane, and I will watch the movie that is on the plane, and I will sleep on the plane, and I will eat on the plane, and I also watch Netflix that I downloaded.

I think I will play very fun at America, and I think I will learn some good and useful things at America, so I am as excited as I go to Japan, and I wish I can be fine and healthy when I come back.

2018年7月10日 星期二

Lego / helicopter

Today I want to tell everyone about I made a helicopter with Lego, and the helicopter is all white, I made it white because I found lot of white blocks, I made a seat for my Jigglypuff doll, too.

I found a very cool block first, and I think these blocks can make something's roof, so I decided to make an airplane, but I saw there is a plane made by my brother on the floor, and I decided to make a helicopter.

I made a seat for Jigglypuff, because when I show my helicopter to Mom, she said I can make a seat for Jigglypuff, so when I come again, she can see Jigglypuff, and she will think Jigglypuff is very cute.

When Jigglypuff sits on the seat, the helicopter will fall on the back, because Jigglypuff is heavier than the helicopter. Sometimes when I am going to take Jigglypuff down the helicopter, its seat will break.

First time that I made Jigglypuff's seat, there is just a line, but when I am driving Jigglypuff, it always falls down, so now the seat has a little roof and four sides protecting Jigglypuff.

I think playing Lego is very good, because you can make whatever you want, and you can make something that isn't true, but sometimes I can't find some shape I want, because the shape is very very small, and even the shape just has one piece of Lego, and my Dad told me if you want to find the small pieces, you can shake the box, or you can pick up the bigger piece first.

2018年7月9日 星期一

Today is my birthday

Today I want to tell everyone about that today is my birthday, and I am very happy, because I can choose what I want to eat. When it is anyone's birthday in our family, we will let him or her to choose what they want to eat.

On Facebook, when it is your friend's birthday, Facebook will tell you that who's birthday is today and don't forget to say happy birthday to them.

I don't know what thing will my friend celebrate when it is the day that is someone's birthday in their family. I think every family has their own way to celebrate anyone's birthday, maybe celebrating family and friends have different ways.

I want to know what is the most popular way to celebrate birthdays, because I want to know is my way popular or not? I think the most popular way is to buy a cake and celebrate, or go to eat a very expensive restaurant.

When it is someone's birthday, everyone will let the birthday person to choose what they want, but mom is who give birth to us, so when it is your birthday, you should do a thing that mom wants you to do.

I think when it is the day before my birthday, I will be very excited, but sometimes I will forget, and when anyone talks about birthday, I will remember that today is my birthday, and I will be happy.




第一天一早我們 6:30 就起床,準備好行李和背包後,我就馬上往沙發跑過去,然後就躺在沙發上睡著了。接著我就被叫醒了,心裡想著我自己應該睡不到 5 分鐘吧!我看了看時鐘,我已經睡了 40 分鐘了,好酷的感覺。





到達日本的時候,已經是下午 5:30 分左右,加上遊覽車要開 2 小時左右,所以到飯店已經是 7 點左右,也差不多要吃晚餐了。

到飯店的時候,我們是吃飯店的晚餐,晚餐是自助餐,盤子是九格,可以自己去盛九樣菜,我覺得自己盛的很豐富。我們也有吃很多那裡的哈密瓜和長腳蟹,因為是吃到飽,我們全家吃了 10 片哈密瓜,我吃了 6 片哈密瓜,但沒有吃長腳蟹。

吃完飯之後,我們有下去看看那裡的遊戲區,但是發現樓下的 air hockey 壞掉了,不能投幣,所以我很傷心地走回房間。



第二天一早,我們先去富良野花園賞薰衣草,我們也有去搭遊園車,我們原本要付 1600 去搭遊園車,他們只算我們 1000 元,真的很好心。在搭遊園車的時候,我覺得司機開得非常好,因為明明路很小條,但司機卻可以開得很準確也很穩,我非常佩服。


接著我們就出發去富田農場,那裡的土地比富良野花園還要小,而且富田農場也比較冷,所以沒有買冰淇淋。因為實在太冷了,所以我們就去買了導遊推薦的熱熱的哈密瓜口味的奶油麵包回車上吃,回到車上後就變得溫暖許多。但是不知道是不是因為太冷了,所以我們一拿到麵包的時候,麵包已經是涼的了, 所以我們會覺得溫暖是因為車上沒開冷氣。

接著我們就要去四季彩之丘,四季彩之丘有名的是 Roll 君,我們有去坐那裡的遊園車,非常的好玩。














接著我們就回飯店了,因為接下來是自由時間,大家可以去逛狸小路,我們這一家是到處逛逛。我們晚餐吃一風堂,我是吃那裡的炒飯,那裡的炒飯真的超級無敵宇宙世界霹靂的好吃,非常推薦。在逛街的途中, 我們有逛大國藥妝店,我買了一隻胖丁牙刷和一個長 40 公分的葡萄口味糖果,因為從來沒吃過,所以我就買了。

接著我們就準備回飯店,我們先去飯店對面的便利商店買泡麵,因為有一種日本泡麵很好吃,所以我們買了 8 個。




逛完免稅店之後,我們就要出發前往登別地獄谷,登別地獄谷是登別溫泉的水源來源,登別地獄谷長 450 公尺,面積 110000 平方公尺。我們有去參觀鐵泉池,傳說鐵泉池冒出來的霧,可以讓眼睛變好,從近視變成眼睛沒狀況。


我們還有去熊牧場,那裡有賣餅乾讓我們餵熊,餅乾一包 100 塊日圓,很便宜,但是裡面的餅乾並不多,所以一下子就餵完了。我們有走到地下室去餵熊,那裡的熊都會把嘴巴放在管子那邊,所以我們把餅乾丟下去的時候,他們馬上就會吃到。


接著我們就要出發前往洞爺湖,洞爺湖是日月潭的 9 倍大,所以大家可以想像洞爺湖是有多大了吧!我們原本要去洞爺湖展望台,但是不知道為什麼,旅行社就沒有要帶我們去,所以我們也不能吃到那裡的牛奶氣球布丁了。

我們下一個要去的地方是支笏湖,支笏湖是日月潭的 10 倍大,支笏湖的長 40 公里,是日本第二深的湖,也是個不凍湖。我們有去買那裡的烤玉米和馬鈴薯起司麻糬,我覺得烤玉米最好吃,因為當時天氣冷,烤玉米非常的燙,所以吃起來會很好吃。




第五天:二条市場、三井 outlet

第五天一早,我們就前往二条市場,導遊說我們可以在二条市場逛 1 小時,但是二条市場不大,而且我們也不能帶海鮮回去台灣,所以給我們那麼久的時間逛,到底可以做些什麼呢?所以我非常不懂為什麼要給我們那麼久的時間。


我們逛完二条市場大概還剩下 30 分鐘,所以我們就往回走,看看還有什麼東西好看,我看到有人在賣切好的哈密瓜,所以就買來吃了。一盒切好的哈密瓜要 300 日圓,而且一盒只有 5 片,真的很貴,但因為我真的很想要吃,所以還是買了一盒。


下一個景點,三井 outlet,在那裡有賣一些很有名的品牌的東西,像是 Coach 包包、UGG 的鞋子,Godiva 的巧克力、Nike 的鞋子等,非常有名的品牌,都在這裡,而且都很便宜。我們先去 Godiva 買巧克力的餅乾,媽媽看圖片,覺得很好吃,所以就買了一盒巧克力餅乾,我們也覺得巧克力餅乾看起來很好吃。在那裡,我很想要趕快開一包巧克力餅乾來吃,但是我覺得我好像飽了,所以還是沒吃。


我們準備要上車時,聽跟我們一起旅遊的朋友說,他們有去買 Nike 的鞋子,1 雙鞋子只要 2000 日圓,我一聽到就覺得很驚訝,一雙 Nike 的鞋子竟然只要台幣 500 元,在台灣 500 塊錢根本連一雙鞋子都買不到!



2018年7月2日 星期一

Tomorrow I will go to Japan

Today I want to tell everyone about that I will go to Japan tomorrow, and I am very excited.

We will go to Japan for 5 days, and tomorrow when we fly to Japan, we will just go to our hotel.

If you need to go to another country, you must clean some food from your refrigerator, or when you come back, your food will be stale.

I am excited for sitting on the plane, sitting on the bus and go to the hotel and sleep, so tonight I want to go to sleep early.

I want to wake up early, so I will be tired, and I can sleep well on the high speed rail and the plane.

I wish I can remember all the things that I need to bring and all the things that I need to do.

I wish I can be happy about all the things that happened in Japan, and I want to be happy 5 days.

I wish I won't listen about my brother angry, and I wish I can catch some rare Pokemons, so I will be very happy.

I wish I can hatch some Pokemon eggs, and I wish I can catch some Pokemons that I don't have.

I think tomorrow will be very fun, and I wish all 5 days will be very fun, too, I wish my wishes can come true.